Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Meet Jeffrey: Conflict Resolution & the DiSC Style

If you read our last blog post, DiSC Profiles Minimize Conflict and Maximize Productivity, then you can recall the story of Steve and his sales team.
Jeffrey and Marsha were yelling at each other during a discussion that originally surrounded one of Marsha’s ideas. Jeffrey grew frustrated when Marsha felt attacked by Jeffrey and became emotional. From there, Jeffrey lost focus of their original discussion, and began targeting Marsha’s personality, at one point calling her, “over emotional.”
The D Style: At a Glance
D stands for Dominance

  • Fast-paced
  • Strong-willed
  • Results-oriented
  • Confident

  • Impatient
  • Under-developed people skills
  • Insensitive

Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. – Peter Drucker
How does Jeffrey handle conflict?
Jeffrey handles conflict head on. Since those of a “D style” are fast-paced, you may find they interrupt others. They value honesty, but may lack tact in their delivery. If they feel as though they are not being heard, they can become argumentative orbelligerent. If they are having a discussion with a slower-paced individual, the D style can become impatient and frustrated.
How does this affect other styles?
Other styles may view the D style as demanding and difficult to work with. Other team members may stop speaking up in order to avoid conflict. Some members may become stressed outoverwhelmed and decide to leave the department or company.
What can Jeffrey do to improve?
While Jeffrey may have insightful things to say, he must realize that people may not listen, simply because of his tone. In order to effectively resolve conflicts with others, high D’s should practice patience and learn to effectively listen to what others are saying. They should express empathy and consider other people’s feelings before speaking. Since Jeffrey certainly has the determination to succeed, developing hispeople skills will make him more approachable and, thus more valuable to the team.
This and the rest of these blogs have been developed using the Everything DiSC® Workplace profiles, group reports and facilitator’ kit.
Join us for our next blog post in which we dive into the “i” style and how they handle conflict with others.

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