Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Corexcel Achieves Highest Sales Honor - Inscape Publishing

Corexcel announced as 2011 Inscape Publishing Diamond Award Winner

Corexcel is excited to announce that we have been honored as an Inscape Publishing Diamond Award winner for the 6th consecutive year. Diamond Award status is Inscape's highest award level. In 2011, less than 1% of Inscape Distributors earned the honor of Diamond Award status. 

Thank you for your continued support of Corexcel!

Related Links:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Start Laughing! Humor Skills Training on the Radio

Whether we're stressed or upset with work, personal relationships, or situations we simply cannot control, we can all agree that sometimes we need help getting out of our slump. Sometimes, we just need a bit of an attitude adjustment. Maybe, we need to learn to laugh it off.

Corexcel is excited to announce that one of our most popular authors, Paul McGhee, has begun broading his own radio series about just this: adjusting our humor skills to live a healthier, happier life.

Paul McGhee, President of the Laughter Remedy in Wilmington, DE, has teamed up with Birach Broadcasting Company to broadcast his brand new radio series, “Health and Happiness through Humor” as part of the “Bright Side of Aging” broadcast.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Want to Improve your Results? Become a Certified DiSC Trainer.

Register today for an upcoming Everything DiSC Certification event!

Why certification?

It's true - you don't need certification to teach DiSC, and all of our training kits come with great facilitator materials. Yet, our clients say that DiSC certification increased their confidence and credibility with their audience and organization.

Who can get certified?
The certification program is designed for anyone using DiSC today or planning to implement it in their organizations in the future.

When can I go? 

Visit Corexcel for the latest DiSC Certification dates.

What does Everything DiSC Certification provide?

The Everything DiSC Trainer Certification is a two-day training session held in Minneapolis, MN.

You'll receive:
  • 1 Everything DiSC Workplace Faciliator Kit
  • 2 days of DiSC classroom lecture, discussions and group presentations
  • Pre-work, course materials
  • Complete set of Everything DiSC personalized profiles and reports

You'll also receive valuable hands-on experience with all of the Everything DiSC Workplace profiles and reports.

First, you'll learn the research behind the DiSC theory and how to interpret the Everything DiSC circular model. From there, you'll explore each of the Everything DiSC profiles, supplemental reports, group reports and facilitation materials. Participants will leave the training with an in-depth understanding of Everything DiSC and how to fully customize the materials to meet a variety of organizational needs.

Seats are filling up quickly, so please visit our website or contact Corexcel at learn@corexcel.com or 1-888-658-6641 (Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5:30pm Eastern Time) to reserve your seat.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

5 Quick Tips for Combating Depression in the Workplace

It occured to me that we spend a lot of our time with the people we work with. A recent article on depression in athletics made me wonder what can be done more to prevent and combat depression in the workplace. A thorough search found some great tips, resources & facts surrounding depression in the workplace. Continue to reading for 5 quick tips for combating depression in the workplace. Read the full blog post.

How, as organizational leaders, can we combat depression in our organizations?

1. Know the facts. What exactly can cause depression? Is it a heredity or learned illness? Many factors can lead to depression, including:
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Physical or Emotional Abuse
  • Death of a loved one
  • Current employment
  • Chemical Imbalances
You can read up on depression by simply conducting a Google Search. You’ll find that the Internet provides some great resources and facts on depression and its causes.

2. Pay attention. Many employees will not speak to a co-worker or manager about their feelings because they may be afraid to lose their job, respect or confidentiality. It is important for managers and co-workers alike to be familiar with signs of depression. Be on the lookout for sudden changes in staff members’ behavior and/or some of the signs below:
  • Decreased or inconsistent with productivity
  • Absenteeism, tardiness, unavailable at work station
  • Withdrawal from co-workers or activities
  • Slowed thoughts
  • Frequent comments about negative feelings/tiredness
  • Reckless behavior
3. Reach out or Ask for Help. Click here to continue reading the full post...

Thursday, February 09, 2012

New Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators - Free with Everything DiSC Profiles

New Product Announcement

Whether you're in the process of interviewing a candidate or looking to facilitate one-on-one meetings with your current employees, the Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators is designed to help managers, coaches and facilitators learn more about participants' DiSC styles, prompting better interview questions and more meaningful discussions with employees.
DiSC Profiles Map 
This free report is a quick and easy review of your participants' DiSC style but takes it a step further by providing both the participant's scores in each of the DiSC styles and their unexpected characteristics.

Breakdown by DiSC Style 

As you know, we each have a primary (and sometimes secondary) DiSC style. However, it is not unlikely that we reach over into other DiSC styles. This portion of the report allows you to see how your participant relates to other DiSC styles. The results may surprise you!

When discussing DiSC styles with candidates, new hires or seasoned employees, it is vital to have as much information as possible before making decisions or facilitating discussions on workplace behavior. The "Breakdown by DiSC Scale" feature allows you to see what other DiSC styles your participant scored high in, allowing you to develop better interview questions or even an "A-ha" moment with an employee you've been having trouble connecting with.

Unexpected Items

The "Unexpected Items" portion of the report provides a list of characteristics that the participant may exhibit that aren't commonly associated with their primary DiSC style. For example, without this report you may be skeptical of a job candidate who scored a high S but mentioned her attention to detail in an interview. The report allows you to justify any unexpected characteristics from a candidate or employee, helping you to get a realistic, effective grasp of their behavior at work.

The free report can be generated along with the following Everything DiSC profiles:

  • Everything DiSC Workplace
  • Everything DiSC Sales
  • Everything DiSC Management
  • Everything DiSC Work of Leaders
EPIC Users: You will assign the Everything DiSC access code as normal. Once the participants have completed the assessment, you will generate the report as normal and select the Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators as the sole report or in conjunction with the Everything DiSC profile.

Read more about EPIC.